MP Industrial Development Co. (MPIDC)

MP Industrial Development Co. (MPIDC)

Designed by principal architect Shailendra Sharma, the MP Industrial Development Co. (MPIDC) building stands as a prime example of sustainable architecture. This architectural marvel not only serves its intended purpose but also enhances its surrounding environment.

At the heart of MPIDC’s design philosophy is a profound commitment to sustainability. The building boasts an innovative design that prioritizes environmentally friendly features, reducing its carbon footprint while optimizing natural lighting and ventilation throughout every floor.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, power the facility, aligning with MPIDC’s dedication to green technology. Surrounding the building, green spaces have been thoughtfully incorporated to ensure fresh air circulates adequately, benefiting those inside and the local community.

Natural light plays a pivotal role in creating an aesthetically pleasing environment both indoors and outdoors. Archiect has carefully chosen materials that maximize sunlight penetration without compromising privacy or comfort for occupants

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